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Overview: Extended Primary Care

The developing role of primary care, built around general practice, is at the heart of transforming the delivery of healthcare in the UK.  The Primary Care Foundation is increasingly working with groups of practices and across CCGs to explore how practices might work together.

Recently we worked with three sites across London through the London Office of CCGs to develop practice federations, as well as running events and developing longer-term support for other areas across the Country.

We encourage practices to think through carefully the purpose of working together rather than simply being driven by national policy or local pressure.  There are real strengths in the traditional model, built on continuity of care with small practices responding rapidly to changing needs.  Practices often need to learn more about each other and how they are working now before thinking about what they might do in the future. 

But in a climate of financial austerity more practices are finding it difficult to balance their budgets while, at the same time, the expectations of both patients and the healthcare system continue to increase.  Practices are looking to work together on a wide range of issues including:

  • Shared back office functions and joint purchasing
  • Sharing clinical expertise across a wider group of practices
  • Introducing access to extended hours in a co-ordinated way
  • Responding to tenders from local commissioners for current services (LESs) or new service developments
  • Shared training and education for all staff in general practice
  • Implementing common information systems so that patient notes can be accessed across all practices and, potentially, the wider health and social care system
  • A shared approach to supporting frail elderly people with complex health needs
  • Creating integrated primary care teams that connect general practice, community services, community pharmacy and third sector agencies

We also can offer support to think through the organisational and governance issues of working together.  We always encourage practices to think through the purpose and function before the organisational form, but understanding all the advice and support they need and establishing effective and transparent decision-making processes is important.

If you would like to discuss how we might help your practices work together, or develop extended primary care in your area, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Rick Stern on 07709 746771 or David Carson on 07703 025775.


Extended Primary Care

About Us

The Primary Care Foundation supports the development of best practice in primary and urgent care. We apply our work shaping national policy to support local change. We use information to create understanding, driving improvements in care, reducing unnecessary variation across organisations and between clinicians and developing practical tools for front-line staff in general practice and urgent care.